Traffic Engineering Study

Traffic engineering is a subdiscipline of civil engineering that focuses on the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on roadways. It involves planning, designing, and operating streets and highways using engineering techniques.

Traffic Study

  • External connectivity requirements and traffic impact assessment
  • Internal transport facilities, road and access layouts, service areas and car parks
  • Internal and external pedestrian circulation
  • Public transport requirements, access and layout of public transport facilities
  • Master plan and feasibility studies
  • Data collection, surveys and market research
  • Planning procedures, applications public consultations and enquiries
  • Traffic management during construction

Parking Study

Car park layout, operation and control systems

Micro Simulation ( VISSIM)

The Vissim model will provide a more detailed impact visual analysis of the project area. A set of criteria shall be developed for their evaluation, including the following:

  • Impact on internal and external vehicular travel demand (internal and external trip generation and modal split for each Alternative)
  • Impact on thoroughfare traffic (all modes) movement through Study Area.
  • Impact on local connectivity for all modes and access to schools, amenities and community facilities.
  • Impact on pedestrian circulation
  • Impact on non-motorized transport (NMT) circulation
  • Impact on Junction delays, signal cycles, queuing, etc. for mixed vehicular traffic & public transport at all major junctions.
  • Impact of access & dispersal trips to Multimodal Interchange at all MRTS and BRTS Stations in the Study Area and pedestrian, NMT and para-transport connectivity to stations/ bus stops.

Engineering Survey

Surveying is the practice of measuring and mapping the Earth's surface to determine the relative positions of points and distances between them. Used in construction, land development, and mapping, it employs various instruments and techniques, ensuring accurate spatial data for engineering, geographic analysis, and infrastructure planning.

Traffic Survey

  • Classified Traffic Volume Count

The traffic volume count survey for 7 days at each count location will be conducted based on IRC: 102-1988 supplemented by various accepted international practices. The objective of the surveys will be to determine the base year classified traffic flows on the corridor, which can be used for forecasting the future travel demand. There will be minimum 4 enumerators and two supervisors to be deployed in each shift at each location of traffic volume count and 24 x 7 supervision will be there to ensure the quality of the data. A separate count of the toll exempted vehicles will also be carried out to assess the proportion of toll exempted vehicles.

  • Turning Movement Count

The classified traffic turning movement survey at identified major intersection will give directional traffic flow pattern. The observed flow pattern by locations will be analysed to determine the extent of turning and straight traffic. The trip length of local traffic in proposed corridor will be determined by roadside interview survey and its results will be supplemented by turning movement survey. The location and duration of turning movement survey will be finalized in consultation with the Client.

  • Speed & Delay Survey

To obtain a basis for relating road network speeds, travel times and delays to the physical dimensions and design characteristics of the existing roads (including impacts of intersections) will be carried out using the floating car method during hours of the day when various degrees of traffic congestion are expected (peak and off-peak).  The Consultants will conduct speed delay survey along the major road network in the study area. Information from these travel time measurements will be tabulated, analyzed and then used in establishing the relationships to be used in the transport model to relate network travel times and delays to level of traffic usage and road and intersection capacities.

  • Parking Survey

 Parking survey is a tool to identify the demand and capacity of parking by the planning authorities. Parking survey is carried out both ON road and OFF road. This survey gives a detailed report on duration of stay, turnover, frequency, accumulation, illegal parking, and revenue and capacity studies. We use manual, video, ANPR to extract the necessary information.

  • Axle Load Survey


Axle load surveys in both directions shall be carried out at suitable location(s) in the near vicinity of project corridor stretch on a random sample basis normally for trucks only (both empty and loaded trucks) for 2 normal days – (24 hours) at special count stations to be finalized in consultation with the client. However, a few buses may be weighed in order to get an idea about their loading behavior. While selecting the location(s) of axle load survey station(s), the locations of existing bridges with load restrictions, if any, should be taken into account and such sites should be avoided.

  • Signal Timing and Queuing survey

 This survey supplies information about the signal timings in an intersection and the corresponding queue in each arm. This can be supplied as maximum, minimum, average, spot (nth minute) queue either in car length equivalents or meters. We use both manual and videos for extracting this information.

  • Enforcement surveys

 Enforcement related surveys include speed surveys, Helmet Usage, Bus lane/ Taxi Lane misuse, driving on the wrong side of the road, Driving on a one-way road, Illegal parking, Yellow box stoppage, Red Light crossings, etc. Our surveys will identify the frequency of offences, type of offence so that the enforcement agencies can do the needful.

  • Opinion and Preference Surveys

 The PT and IPT user survey will be carried out at respective PT/ IPT stands and users would be interviewed by the Consultants. PT/ IPT users would be asked about their origin & destination, modal preferences and interests in the proposed MRT system. This data can be used to determine travel patterns, travel costs and travel desires which, in turn, will be used to predict future traffic.

  • Boarding / Alighting Survey (Public Transport Surveys)

 Understanding the public transport usage is vital for all strategic decisions on Public Transport improvements. This gives a detailed report on the usage pattern of the Public Transport. On a micro-level, this also gives information about the Passenger boarding and alighting, running times, dwell times and occupancy for different services. The survey also gives a detailed report of passengers entering and exiting Bus stand or a Railway station at any given time. We can also monitor the queue at the ticketing office as a part of the survey. We use manual, videos for extracting the required information.

  • Origin Destination Survey (OD)

The O-D surveys will be conducted to determine the existing travel pattern of the road users on the corridor. The share of through and local traffic will be the major output of this survey. Further, additional questions will be asked to local road users to determine their flow path along the project corridor. The roadside interviews will, inter alia, collect further data on the trip purpose, trip length, commodity type and value in case of commercial vehicles and loading pattern of goods vehicles.

The survey will be conducted for 24 hours in a weekday using a stratified sampling method.  The classified volume count will also be carried out simultaneously along with the O-D survey.  The objective will be to sample as many vehicles as practical given the site constraints.

A traffic zone system will be developed for coding and analyzing the O-D data.  The zones will be defined in such a way that the traffic on each linear and spatial segment can be estimated. The data collected will be coded and processed to eliminate all illogical data and entry errors.

The processed data will be used to generate mode-wise O-D matrices.  Desire line diagrams will be prepared to give an understanding of the travel pattern in the region and along the corridor.  The data on the socio-economic and other related aspects will enable to assess the travel characteristics of the road users of the project corridor.

For carrying out OD Survey, police assistance is required. We seek necessary help from the Client in getting necessary letters from NHAI and permission from Police.

  • Pedestrian and Non- Motorised Transport Users (NMT) Survey:

 It is essential to monitor the people movement for better infrastructure planning especially the pavements and crossings. This survey can be a simple volumetric count of pedestrian crossing or a more complex study involving tracking the pedestrian movements. This survey highlights the composition of pedestrians like School kids, Adults, Elderly, and Disabled etc. We use videos and manual method to track the pedestrians.

  • Speed Assessment Survey

 It is very important considering the rise of accidents because of speeding. Our survey will help the enforcement authorities to identify the speeding regions on a roadway before investing on enforcement equipment like cameras etc. Speed is a vital factor in designing the roads. We use pneumatic loops and Radars to extract the maximum speed and average speed.

  • Road Safety Audit

 It is an important assessment that has to be carried out by the authorities along with several agencies to ensure the safety of the existing road or the proposed road. We will be able to assist the authorities depending upon their requirement at various stages.

  • Road Network Inventory/Topography Survey

 Information to describe the location, design characteristics, dimensions and other physical features of the road transport will be assembled, initially from available sources of information and then supplemented by data collected from the Consultant’s road inventory. Road network inventory data will be collected on specific formats, recording the necessary information by actual measurement and visual observation, wherever required. The Consultants will conduct road inventory of major road network.

The ROW details will be obtained from secondary information and authorities responsible for maintaining the roads within their jurisdictions.

  • The road inventory information that will be used for such purposes include:
  • Identifying roads, their sections and specific locations;
  • Measuring travel distances between road intersections;
  • Identify various options of alignment
  • Predicting road capacities, travel speeds and vehicle operating costs;
  • Predicting road intersection performance in terms of average delays by approach and turning movement; and
  • Household Interviews

These surveys involve visiting sample households in the area of study. This study gives detail information on key factors like demography, travel patterns, trends, availability of essential facilities etc.

  • General Survey/Study: –

We will be able to assist you with any other specific data collection that you may have like Retail footfall, market study, driver behaviour, Gap surveys etc. Our survey experts will be able to design a survey to fulfil your requirements.

Topographic Survey

Topographic Survey

  • A Topographic Survey is a survey that gathers data about the elevation of points on a piece of land and presents them as contour lines on a plot. The purpose of a topographic survey is to collect survey data about the natural and man-made features of the land, as well as its elevations. Topographic maps are used to show elevations and grading features for architects, engineers, and building contractors.Krish InfraTech’s professional land surveying team is well-versed in the nuances of topographic surveying. Utilizing the latest surveying technology, Krish InfraTech’s land surveyors produce accurate, consistently reliable topographic surveys, saving you both time and money during the construction process.

    Topographic surveys utilize three main methods, and are often a mix of all three as each method has a different strength:

    1. UAV Photogrammetry and LIDAR are used to determine the surface contours of large areas, but may not map features.
    2. GPS: GPS allows for quick mapping of open areas that are not large enough to justify Aerial methods.

    Total Stations: A field crew is on site and directly maps each feature. Utilized when tree cover prevents other technologies, or when the highest levels of accuracy are required.

Project Managment

We provide professional client-focused construction solutions. As an employee-owned company, we go above and beyond on every project and deliver on our promises. We provide project management consultancy for projects from its implementation to final handover.

We provide all quality related documentations, method statements for works, appointment of vendors for execution of work, inventory management and site management. Safe working techniques being implemented

Quality Control Consultancy

We provide third-party quality assurance on residential developments, multi-unit residential and commercial properties, mid-rise and high-rise projects and other various civil works. This includes full-service quality assurance programs that encompass the entire construction process.

Highway Projects

We provide professional client-focused construction solutions. As an employee-owned company, we go above and beyond on every project and deliver on our promises. We provide project management consultancy for projects from its implementation to final handover.

We provide all quality related documentations, method statements for works, appointment of vendors for execution of work, inventory management and site management. Safe working techniques being implemented

Highway Geometric Design

The geometric design of highways deals with the dimensions and layout of visible features of the highway. The emphasis of the geometric design is to address the requirement of the driver and the vehicle such as safety, comfort, efficiency, etc.

Highway geometric design is done with MX-Road Software. Design is done based on IRC and MoRHTs standards.

Pavement Design

Pavement design is the major component in the road construction. Nearly one-third or one-half of the total cost of construction, so careful consideration should be taken in design of pavement. Type of pavements: Flexible pavement. Rigid pavement

Pavement design is done based on IRC and MoRHTs standards.

Highway geometric design is done with MX-Road Software. Design is done based on IRC and MoRHTs standards.

Toll Road

  • Pre-Bid study of toll road project
  • Feasibility study of toll project

Bill of Quantity

We prepare BOQ for projects, forecast the cash flow, give material estimation, inventory planning for works to be done and provide rate analysis also. Checking of contractor’s bills, making amendments in the work order are some of the activities carried out by us.